Thursday, June 17, 2010

The 72 hour rule and schedules

So it has been over a week since I've written on here, which was probably a little too long to wait. My mom once told me about the 72-hour rule, which states that if you wait more than 72 hours from doing something, your motivation drastically decreases for wanting to do it again. She applied the rule to exercise, but I would say that, for me, it goes for many other activities as well, such as writing in a blog.

For this reason, I am a firm believer in schedules and structure. I don't think every moment in a given day should EVER be scheduled, because that usually leads to a failure to follow the schedule, and sometimes the most important events get sacrificed first. More importantly, especially during summer vacation, having some plans in place can be very helpful in reducing boredom and the destructive activities that come with it (like excessive partying). This could mean getting a job, taking classes, or even just making a specified time for writing in a blog.

To sum it up, my suggestion to all you bored teenagers on summer vacation is that you buy a planner and write some events down in it. Summer should not be boring! Plan a trip to the beach!

Anyway, now that I have broken my streak of no blogging, I will write again in the next few days!

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